Seven Air Conditioning Tips
For home air conditioning, start with your basic system selection, figure out the extras, and then call us!
Call 715) 286-5380!
Keep the air conditioner unblocked.
Your air conditioning unit needs air (Yep, AIR is even in the name 😉). Avoid planting plants around your air conditioner if their branches will touch the air conditioner and potentially cut off some of the air supply. All plants and branches should be three feet away from the unit to ensure good air flow.
Grass clippings are another problem, so check regularly to make sure your lawn mower isn’t throwing clippings on the side of the air conditioner.
Pro Tip: Our Service Manager says that sometimes he shows up for a repair only to find that the air conditioner is blocked with grass clippings…something that you could easily check!
Change your air filter
Once you start using your air conditioner, you should change the filters often. One rule of thumb is to change the air filters monthly, but you may be able to wait up to a few months. If you have a lot of dust or pet allergens, you may want to change it every 3 weeks.
Changing your filter not only will it keep your system cleaner, it will reduce your energy bills up to 15%! Considering how inexpensive air filters are – that’s a great investment.
Filters also keep your equipment clean. Clean equipment will help you avoid repairs in the future.
If you’re changing your air filters, the air in your home will stay cleaner, too. Great news for those of us with allergies!
Use fans.
If you have ceiling fans, make sure that in the spring you have them turning counter-clockwise to blow air down. This is because the cooler air will get circulated through the house. You’ll also feel cooler because you’ll have a breeze blowing down on you. You might be able to keep the temperature higher on your thermostat, too (saving energy!)
In the winter, you’ll want to have the fans blow UP (clockwise). That way, warm air that has traveled up to the ceiling (heat rises) will circulate up and back down into the room.
Close off rooms you don’t use.
If you don’t use that extra bedroom or you’re rarely in the den during the summer, close off those rooms. Keep the door shut and close the vents. Don’t cool the rooms you don’t use – be smart!
Get a programmable thermostat.
Technology has come to some of the simplest of our home items. Thermostats have become programmable, so you can set it and forget it.
Smart thermostats take it a step farther.
Use your drapes and blinds.
Curtains that block the sunlight during the day will also keep your rooms a lot cooler. This will help your air conditioning equipment. It won’t have to work as hard. If you’re gone at work or if it’s especially hot, you’ll enjoy coming back to find your home cool (and your energy bill lower)!
Have your system checked.
Every 6-12 months, you should have a professional check your system to help you avoid large, costly repairs. Calling a professional won’t guarantee a repair-free unit, but it will avoid some repairs altogether because they will see potential problems before they happen.