HVAC System Check
When you should consider replacement? Call us today!
Call 715) 286-5380!
Below is a list of warning signs that suggest it might be time to consider replacing your HVAC system.
Air Conditioner Age
Is your air conditioner or heat pump over 10 years old? Newer units can save you money on energy bills.
Furnace Age
Furnaces and boilers over 15 years old are ready to be replaced. Newer units are much more efficient - saving you up to 20 percent on heating costs.
Higher Costs
When your equipment needs frequent repairs or your energy bills are going up - it is time to replace your home’s equipment.
Static Shock & Dry Skin
Is the air in your home really dry? If so, you could be dealing with static shock or dry skin (especially in the winter). Consider a built-in humidifier.
A furnace or air conditioner that is making a lot of noise could be a sign of a serious problem. Contact your HVAC contractor right away.
Manual Thermostat
Wifi or programmable thermostats can save you money on your energy bill by turning your system up or down auto-magically when you’re away or asleep. Take control of your home’s system!